PieceMack Trucks-Bulldog
Description8" plastic
CompanyMack Trucks, Inc.

The heavy-duty, Mack AC truck, a hard-tired, chain-driven brute, served the British and American troops during World War I with incredible toughness and durability. The story goes that when other trucks couldn't make it, the British would yell, "Bring the Bulldogs in!", because the AC's, with their snub-nosed hood, resembled bulldogs in appearance as well as in performance. By 1922, Mack Trucks had adopted the Bulldog as its symbol, using it in advertising and on truck name plates.

Another story about the Bulldog says that in 1932, when Mack Trucks' chief engineer A.F. Masury was hospitalized for about a week, he passed the time by carving soap bars to enter into a national competition sponsored by a leading soap manufacturer. The result was a cubistic rendering of his company's Bulldog, with a no-nonsense, ready-to-work look. This image has been cast in metal and place atop the hood of every Mack Truck ever since. The world's largest Bulldog stands at the company's headquarters in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Here, our version is only eight inches tall, but no less aggressive, and comes complete with a studded collar. He's a plastic bank, and you can be SURE your money is safe when it's guarded by this Bulldog! There's no Mack Truck logo on this fella -- according to company spokesmen, the Bulldog says it all.

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